Texas Statutes
Finance Code
Title 3. Financial Institutions and Businesses
Subtitle C. Savings Banks
Chapter 119. Miscellaneous Provisions Applicable to Savings Banks
Subchapter A. General Miscellaneous Provisions
Sec. 119.001. Applicability of Chapter 4, Business & Commerce Code.
Sec. 119.002. Applicability of Savings and Loan Laws to Savings Banks.
Sec. 119.003. Acknowledgment Or Proof Taken by Member, Stockholder, Or Employee of Savings Bank.
Sec. 119.004. Rendition of Certain Personal Property for Ad Valorem Taxation.
Sec. 119.005. State Taxation of Savings Banks.
Sec. 119.006. Initiation of Rulemaking by Savings Banks.
Sec. 119.007. Exemption from Securities Laws.
Sec. 119.008. Liability of Commissioner and Other Commission Personnel; Defense by Attorney General.