Texas Statutes
Government Code
Title 4. Executive Branch
Subtitle C. State Military Forces and Veterans
Chapter 432. Texas Code of Military Justice
Subchapter I. Review of Courts-martial
Sec. 432.101. Error of Law; Lesser Included Offense.
Sec. 432.102. Initial Action On Record.
Sec. 432.103. Same General Court-martial Records.
Sec. 432.104. Reconsideration and Revision.
Sec. 432.105. Rehearings.
Sec. 432.106. Approval by Convening Authority.
Sec. 432.107. Disposition of Records After Review by Convening Authority.
Sec. 432.108. Review by State Judge Advocate General.
Sec. 432.109. Review by Texas Court of Military Appeals.
Sec. 432.110. Appellate Counsel.
Sec. 432.111. Vacation of Suspension.
Sec. 432.112. Petition for New Trial.
Sec. 432.113. Remission Or Suspension.
Sec. 432.114. Restoration.
Sec. 432.115. Finality of Proceedings, Findings, and Sentences.