Texas Statutes
Health and Safety Code
Title 7. Mental Health and Intellectual Disability
Subtitle C. Texas Mental Health Code
Chapter 574. Court-ordered Mental Health Services
Subchapter A. Application for Commitment and Prehearing Procedures
Sec. 574.001. Application for Court-ordered Mental Health Services.
Sec. 574.002. Form of Application.
Sec. 574.003. Appointment of Attorney.
Sec. 574.004. Duties of Attorney.
Sec. 574.005. Setting On Application.
Sec. 574.006. Notice.
Sec. 574.007. Disclosure of Information.
Sec. 574.008. Court Jurisdiction and Transfer.
Sec. 574.0085. Associate Judges.
Sec. 574.009. Requirement of Medical Examination.
Sec. 574.010. Independent Psychiatric Evaluation and Expert Testimony.
Sec. 574.011. Certificate of Medical Examination for Mental Illness.
Sec. 574.012. Recommendation for Treatment.
Sec. 574.0125. Identification of Person Responsible for Court-ordered Outpatient Mental Health Services.
Sec. 574.013. Liberty Pending Hearing.
Sec. 574.014. Compilation of Mental Health Commitment Records.