Texas Statutes
Health and Safety Code
Title 7. Mental Health and Intellectual Disability
Subtitle C. Texas Mental Health Code
Chapter 574. Court-ordered Mental Health Services
Subchapter A. Application for Commitment and Prehearing Procedures
Subchapter B. Protective Custody
Subchapter C. Proceedings for Court-ordered Mental Health Services
Subchapter D. Designation of Facility and Transportation of Patient
Subchapter E. Post-commitment Proceedings
Subchapter F. Furlough, Discharge, and Termination of Court-ordered Mental Health Services
Subchapter G. Administration of Medication to Patient Under Court Order for Mental Health Services
Subchapter H. Voluntary Admission for Certain Persons for Whom Motion for Court-ordered Services Has Been Filed
Subchapter I. Use of Video Technology at Proceedings