Texas Statutes
Health and Safety Code
Title 7. Mental Health and Intellectual Disability
Subtitle C. Texas Mental Health Code
Chapter 574. Court-ordered Mental Health Services
Subchapter E. Post-commitment Proceedings
Sec. 574.061. Modification of Order for Inpatient Treatment.
Sec. 574.062. Motion for Modification of Order for Outpatient Treatment.
Sec. 574.063. Order for Temporary Detention.
Sec. 574.064. Apprehension and Release Under Temporary Detention Order.
Sec. 574.065. Order of Modification of Order for Outpatient Services.
Sec. 574.066. Renewal of Order for Extended Mental Health Services.
Sec. 574.0665. Status Conference.
Sec. 574.067. Motion for Rehearing.
Sec. 574.068. Request for Reexamination.
Sec. 574.069. Hearing On Request for Reexamination.
Sec. 574.070. Appeal.