Texas Statutes
Health and Safety Code
Title 7. Mental Health and Intellectual Disability
Subtitle C. Texas Mental Health Code
Chapter 574. Court-ordered Mental Health Services
Subchapter D. Designation of Facility and Transportation of Patient
Sec. 574.041. Designation of Facility.
Sec. 574.0415. Information On Medications.
Sec. 574.042. Commitment to Private Facility.
Sec. 574.043. Commitment to Federal Facility.
Sec. 574.044. Commitment to Facility of Texas Department of Criminal Justice.
Sec. 574.045. Transportation of Patient.
Sec. 574.0455. List of Qualified Transportation Service Providers.
Sec. 574.0456. Transportation of Patient to Another State.
Sec. 574.046. Writ of Commitment.
Sec. 574.047. Transcript.
Sec. 574.048. Acknowledgment of Patient Delivery.