Texas Statutes
Insurance Code
Title 10. Property and Casualty Insurance
Subtitle E. Workers' Compensation Insurance
Chapter 2054. Texas Mutual Insurance Company
Subchapter A. General Provisions
Subchapter B. Board of Directors
Subchapter C. Management of Company
Subchapter D. Operation of Company; Financial Administration
Subchapter E. Examinations, Reports, and Filings
Subchapter F. General Powers and Duties Relating to Insurance
Subchapter G. Issuance of Coverage
Subchapter H. Company As Insurer of Last Resort
Subchapter I. Appeals
Subchapter J. Control of Fraud and Other Violations
Subchapter K. Accident Prevention
Subchapter L. Public Interest Information and Complaint Procedures
Subchapter M. Subsidiaries Authorized to Provide Health Benefit Coverage