Texas Statutes
Insurance Code
Title 10. Property and Casualty Insurance
Subtitle E. Workers' Compensation Insurance
Chapter 2054. Texas Mutual Insurance Company
Subchapter A. General Provisions
Sec. 2054.001. Definitions.
Sec. 2054.002. Reference to Texas Workers' Compensation Insurance Fund.
Sec. 2054.003. Operation As Domestic Mutual Insurance Company.
Sec. 2054.004. Insurance Company Under Texas Workers' Compensation Act.
Sec. 2054.005. Applicability of Code.
Sec. 2054.006. Authority of Commissioner and Department.
Sec. 2054.007. Open Meetings Law and Open Records Law Not Applicable.
Sec. 2054.008. Investigation Files.
Sec. 2054.009. Conflicts with Certain Insurance Laws.