Texas Statutes
Insurance Code
Title 5. Protection of Consumer Interests
Subtitle C. Deceptive, Unfair, and Prohibited Practices
Chapter 541. Unfair Methods of Competition and Unfair Or Deceptive Acts Or Practices
Subchapter A. General Provisions
Subchapter B. Unfair Methods of Competition and Unfair Or Deceptive Acts Or Practices Defined
Subchapter B-1. Advertising Requirements
Subchapter C. Determination of Unfair Methods of Competition and Unfair Or Deceptive Acts Or Practices; Sanctions and Penalties
Subchapter D. Private Action for Damages
Subchapter E. Enforcement by Attorney General
Subchapter F. Class Actions by Attorney General Or Private Individual
Subchapter G. Department Action for Refund of Premiums
Subchapter H. Assurance of Voluntary Compliance
Subchapter I. Rulemaking
Subchapter J. Construction of Chapter with Other Laws