Texas Statutes
Insurance Code
Title 5. Protection of Consumer Interests
Subtitle C. Deceptive, Unfair, and Prohibited Practices
Chapter 541. Unfair Methods of Competition and Unfair Or Deceptive Acts Or Practices
Subchapter D. Private Action for Damages
Sec. 541.151. Private Action for Damages Authorized.
Sec. 541.152. Damages, Attorney's Fees, and Other Relief.
Sec. 541.153. Frivolous Action.
Sec. 541.154. Prior Notice of Action.
Sec. 541.155. Abatement.
Sec. 541.156. Settlement Offer.
Sec. 541.157. Contents of Settlement Offer.
Sec. 541.158. Rejection of Settlement Offer.
Sec. 541.159. Limit On Recovery After Settlement Offer.
Sec. 541.160. Effect of Settlement Offer.
Sec. 541.161. Mediation.
Sec. 541.162. Limitations Period.