Texas Statutes
Insurance Code
Title 8. Health Insurance and Other Health Coverages
Subtitle G. Health Coverage Availability
Chapter 1501. Health Insurance Portability and Availability Act
Subchapter B. Coalitions and Cooperatives
Sec. 1501.051. Definitions.
Sec. 1501.052. Texas Health Benefits Purchasing Cooperative; Board of Trustees.
Sec. 1501.053. Texas Health Benefits Purchasing Cooperative: Executive Director and Other Employees.
Sec. 1501.054. Regional Subdivisions of Texas Health Benefits Purchasing Cooperative.
Sec. 1501.055. Applicability of Public Information Law to Texas Health Benefits Purchasing Cooperative.
Sec. 1501.056. Private Purchasing Cooperatives and Health Group Cooperatives.
Sec. 1501.057. Immunity.
Sec. 1501.0575. Voluntary Participation by Issuer in Cooperative.
Sec. 1501.058. Powers and Duties of Cooperatives.
Sec. 1501.0581. Special Provisions Relating to Health Group Cooperatives.
Sec. 1501.0582. Health Group Cooperative: Expedited Approval Process.
Sec. 1501.059. Self-insured Or Self-funded Plan Prohibited.
Sec. 1501.060. Scope of Group Coverage.
Sec. 1501.061. Requirements Applicable to Health Benefit Plan Issuers with Which Cooperative May Contract.
Sec. 1501.062. Cooperative Not Insurer; Agents and Administrators.
Sec. 1501.063. Status As Employer.
Sec. 1501.064. Certain Use of Appropriated Money Prohibited.
Sec. 1501.065. Certain Actions Based On Risk Characteristics Or Health Status Prohibited.
Sec. 1501.066. Election to Treat Participating Employers Separately for Rating Purposes.
Sec. 1501.067. Eligible Single-employee Business.