Texas Statutes
Tax Code
Title 3. Local Taxation
Subtitle D. Local Hotel Occupancy Taxes
Chapter 352. County Hotel Occupancy Taxes
Subchapter A. Imposition and Collection of Tax
Sec. 352.001. Definitions.
Sec. 352.002. Tax Authorized.
Sec. 352.003. Tax Rates.
Sec. 352.0031. Preexisting Contracts.
Sec. 352.004. Tax Collection; Penalty.
Sec. 352.0041. Collection Procedures On Purchase of Hotel.
Sec. 352.005. Reimbursement for Expenses of Tax Collection and Use of Electronic Tax Administration System.
Sec. 352.006. Audit; Access to Books and Records.
Sec. 352.007. Exemption.
Sec. 352.008. Concurrent State Tax Delinquency.
Sec. 352.009. Annual Report to Comptroller.