Texas Statutes
Transportation Code
Title 6. Roadways
Subtitle K. Mass Transportation
Chapter 451. Metropolitan Rapid Transit Authorities
Subchapter C. Management of Authority
Sec. 451.101. Board Powers.
Sec. 451.102. Budget.
Sec. 451.103. Operating Expenditures.
Sec. 451.104. Investment Powers: Certain Authorities.
Sec. 451.105. Depository; Deposit of Funds.
Sec. 451.106. General Manager; Management Policies: Certain Authorities.
Sec. 451.107. Rules.
Sec. 451.1075. Prohibition of Consumption of Alcoholic Beverage.
Sec. 451.108. Peace Officers.
Sec. 451.109. Advisory Committee.
Sec. 451.110. Purchases: Competitive Bidding.
Sec. 451.111. Purchases: Notice of Noncompetitive Bid Proposals.
Sec. 451.112. Conflicts of Interest: Board Members.
Sec. 451.113. Driving On Certain Authority Right-of-way; Penalty.