Texas Statutes
Transportation Code
Title 6. Roadways
Subtitle K. Mass Transportation
Chapter 451. Metropolitan Rapid Transit Authorities
Subchapter A. General Provisions
Subchapter B. Powers of Authorities
Subchapter C. Management of Authority
Subchapter C-1. Additional Management Provisions for Certain Authorities
Subchapter D. Station Or Terminal Complex Systems
Subchapter E. Regional Economic Development Facilities in Stations Or Terminal Complexes
Subchapter F. Special Programs and Services
Subchapter H. Bonds
Subchapter I. Taxation
Subchapter J. Financial and Performance Audits
Subchapter K. Boards
Subchapter L. Addition of Territory
Subchapter M. Withdrawal of Territory from Authority
Subchapter N. Creation of Authority
Subchapter O. Advanced Transportation District
Subchapter P. Local Control of Peace Officer Employment Matters in Certain Authorities