Texas Statutes
Transportation Code
Title 6. Roadways
Subtitle K. Mass Transportation
Chapter 451. Metropolitan Rapid Transit Authorities
Subchapter I. Taxation
Sec. 451.401. General Power of Taxation.
Sec. 451.402. Voter Approval Required for Tax.
Sec. 451.403. Authority Tax Code and Rules.
Sec. 451.404. Sales and Use Tax.
Sec. 451.405. Maximum Tax Rate in Authority Area.
Sec. 451.406. Initial Sales Tax: Effective Date.
Sec. 451.407. Rate Decrease: Sales and Use Tax.
Sec. 451.408. Rate Increase: Sales and Use Tax.
Sec. 451.409. Sales and Use Tax Rate Increase: Petition and Election.
Sec. 451.410. Sales and Use Tax Increase Or Decrease: Ballots.
Sec. 451.411. Results of Election; Notice.
Sec. 451.412. Effective Date of Tax Rate Change.
Sec. 451.413. Tax Effective Dates After Election Contest.
Sec. 451.414. Maximum Rate of Vehicle Emissions Tax.
Sec. 451.415. Exemptions.
Sec. 451.416. Emissions Tax Year.
Sec. 451.417. Emissions Tax Payments: Delinquency.
Sec. 451.418. Collection of Emissions Taxes by County Assessor-collector.
Sec. 451.419. Penalties and Interest: Emissions Taxes.
Sec. 451.420. Board Rules: Emissions Taxes.