Texas Statutes
Utilities Code
Title 2. Public Utility Regulatory Act
Subtitle B. Electric Utilities
Chapter 39. Restructuring of Electric Utility Industry
Subchapter C. Retail Competition
Sec. 39.101. Customer Safeguards.
Sec. 39.102. Retail Customer Choice.
Sec. 39.1025. Limitations On Telephone Solicitation.
Sec. 39.103. Commission Authority to Delay Competition and Set New Rates.
Sec. 39.104. Customer Choice Pilot Projects.
Sec. 39.105. Limitation On Sale of Electricity.
Sec. 39.106. Provider of Last Resort.
Sec. 39.107. Metering and Billing Services.
Sec. 39.108. Contractual Obligations.
Sec. 39.109. New Owner Or Successor.
Sec. 39.110. Wholesale Indexed Products Prohibited.
Sec. 39.112. Notice of Expiration and Price Change.