Texas Statutes
Utilities Code
Title 2. Public Utility Regulatory Act
Subtitle B. Electric Utilities
Chapter 39. Restructuring of Electric Utility Industry
Subchapter A. General Provisions
Subchapter B. Transition to Competitive Retail Electric Market
Subchapter C. Retail Competition
Subchapter D. Market Structure
Subchapter E. Price Regulation After Competition
Subchapter F. Recovery of Stranded Costs Through Competition Transition Charge
Subchapter G. Securitization
Subchapter H. Certification and Registration; Penalties
Subchapter I. Provisions for Certain Non-ercot Utilities
Subchapter J. Transition to Competition in Certain non-ercot Areas
Subchapter K. Transition to Competition for Certain areas Outside of Ercot
Subchapter L. Transition to Competition and Other Provisions for Certain Areas Outside of Ercot
Subchapter M. Winter Storm Uri Default Balance Financing
Subchapter N. Winter Storm Uri Uplift Financing
Subchapter Z. Miscellaneous Provisions