Texas Statutes
Utilities Code
Title 2. Public Utility Regulatory Act
Subtitle B. Electric Utilities
Chapter 39. Restructuring of Electric Utility Industry
Subchapter Z. Miscellaneous Provisions
Sec. 39.9016. Nuclear Safety Fee.
Sec. 39.902. Customer Education.
Sec. 39.9025. Home Electric Energy Reports.
Sec. 39.903. System Benefit Fund.
Sec. 39.9044. Goal for Natural Gas.
Sec. 39.9048. Natural Gas Fuel.
Sec. 39.905. Goal for Energy Efficiency.
Sec. 39.9051. Energy Efficiency for Municipally Owned Utilities.
Sec. 39.9052. Energy Efficiency for Electric Cooperatives.
Sec. 39.9054. Energy Efficiency Plans and Reports; Public Information.
Sec. 39.9055. Examination of Demand Response Potential of Seawater Desalination Projects.
Sec. 39.906. Displaced Workers.
Sec. 39.908. Effect of Sunset Provision.
Sec. 39.909. Plan and Report of Workforce Diversity and Other Business Practices.
Sec. 39.910. Incentive Program and Goal for Energy Efficiency for Military Bases.
Sec. 39.911. Alternative Funding for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Systems.
Sec. 39.9111. Rules Related to Renewable Power Facilities.
Sec. 39.9112. Report On Transmission and Generation Capacity.
Sec. 39.9113. Renewable Energy Credits.
Sec. 39.912. Report On Combined Heating and Power Technology.
Sec. 39.913. Combining Certain Reports.
Sec. 39.914. Credit for Surplus Solar Generation by Public Schools.
Sec. 39.915. Consideration and Approval of Certain Transactions.
Sec. 39.916. Interconnection of Distributed Renewable Generation.
Sec. 39.9165. Distributed Generation Facility Reporting.
Sec. 39.917. Texas Electric Grid Security Council.
Sec. 39.918. Utility Facilities for Power Restoration After Significant Power Outage.
Sec. 39.919. Average Total Residential Load Reduction Goals.