Texas Statutes
Utilities Code
Title 2. Public Utility Regulatory Act
Subtitle B. Electric Utilities
Chapter 39. Restructuring of Electric Utility Industry
Subchapter N. Winter Storm Uri Uplift Financing
Sec. 39.651. Purpose; Use of Proceeds.
Sec. 39.652. Definitions.
Sec. 39.653. Debt Obligation Order.
Sec. 39.654. Commission-authorized Financing.
Sec. 39.655. Other Financial Mechanism.
Sec. 39.656. Uplift Charges Nonbypassable.
Sec. 39.657. True-up.
Sec. 39.658. Tax Exemption.
Sec. 39.659. Severability.
Sec. 39.660. Customer Charges.
Sec. 39.661. Enforcement.
Sec. 39.662. Property Rights.
Sec. 39.663. Pledge of State.
Sec. 39.664. Legal Actions Involving Pricing Or Uplift Actions.