You must develop policies that describe:
(1) Visitation rights between the child and family members and the child and friends;
(2) The child's right to correspond by mail with family members and friends, including any policies regarding mail restrictions and receipt of electronic messages and mail;
(3) The child's right to correspond by telephone with family members and friends;
(4) The child's right to receive and give gifts to family, friends, staff or caregivers, or other children in care, including any restrictions on gifts;
(5) How a child obtains clothing;
(6) Personal possessions a child is or is not allowed to have, where the possessions may be stored, and search policies;
(7) Emergency behavior intervention techniques if the use of emergency behavior intervention is permitted in your agency. The policy must be consistent with §749.115(5) of this title (relating to What emergency behavior intervention policies must I develop if my foster homes are permitted to use emergency behavior intervention?);
(8) Any religious program or activity that you offer, including whether children must participate in the program or activity, and if so, with or without caregivers;
(9) The plans for meeting the educational needs of each child;
(10) When trips with caregivers away from the home are allowed and what protocols will be used;
(11) Program expectations and rules that apply to all children, including an overview of your discipline policy;
(12) Child grievance procedures;
(13) The types and frequency of reports to parents;
(14) Procedures for routine and emergency diagnosis and treatment of medical and dental problems;
(15) Routine health care relating to pregnancy and childbirth, if you admit and/or care for a pregnant child;
(16) Your plan for providing health-care services to a child with primary medical needs;
(17) Transitional living policies, if applicable;
(18) How you will determine whether it is appropriate for a child to use weapons, firearms, explosive materials, and projectiles, if applicable. This information must be consistent with §749.103(b)(19) of this title (relating to What policies and procedures must I submit for Licensing's approval as part of the application process?).
Source Note: The provisions of this §749.113 adopted to be effective January 1, 2017, 41 TexReg 9944; transferred effective March 9, 2018, as published in the Texas Register February 16, 2018, 43 TexReg 909