Texas Administrative Code
Title 26 Health and Human Services
Part 1 Health and Human Services Commission
Chapter 749 Minimum Standards for Child-placing Agencies
Subchapter C Organization and Administration
Division 1 Plans and Policies Required During the Application Process
Rule 749.101 What Plans Must I Submit for Licensing's Approval As Part of the Application Process?
Rule 749.103 What Policies and Procedures Must I Submit for Licensing's Approval As Part of the Application Process?
Rule 749.105 What Are the Requirements for My Personnel Policies and Procedures?
Rule 749.107 What Must My Conflict of Interest Policies Include?
Rule 749.109 What Must My Admission Policies Include?
Rule 749.111 What Must My Placement Policies Include?
Rule 749.113 What Child-care Policies Must I Develop?
Rule 749.115 What Emergency Behavior Intervention Policies Must I Develop If My Foster Homes Are Permitted to Use Emergency Behavior Intervention?
Rule 749.117 What Are the Requirements for My Discipline Policies for Children in Care?
Rule 749.119 What Foster Care Policies Must I Develop?
Rule 749.121 What Policies Must I Develop Concerning the Rights and Responsibilities of the Child-placing Agency and Foster Parents?
Rule 749.123 What Policies Must I Develop Regarding Foster Parents Who Provide Treatment Services to A Child with Primary Medical Needs?
Rule 749.125 What Policies Must I Develop for Foster Parents Who Offer A Transitional Living Program?
Rule 749.127 What Policies Must I Develop for Babysitters, Overnight Care Providers, and Respite Care Providers?
Rule 749.129 What Policies Must I Develop for A Legal Risk Placement Program for Foster-adoptive Families?
Rule 749.131 What Policies Must I Develop If I Offer Adoption Services?
Rule 749.133 What Policies Must I Develop If I Use Volunteers?
Rule 749.135 What Abuse and Neglect Policies Must I Develop?
Rule 749.136 What Suicide Prevention, Intervention, and Postvention Policy Must I Have?
Rule 749.137 What Is the Model Suicide Prevention, Intervention, and Postvention Policy?
Rule 749.138 What Are the General Requirements for An Agency's Policies and Procedures?
Rule 749.139 What Requirements Must I Follow When Adopting My Child-placing Agency's Plans, Policies, and Procedures?
Rule 749.141 Can Licensing Cite My Agency for A Deficiency If I Fail to Operate According to My Approved Plans, Policies, and Procedures?